Which is scarier: the zombie, or Brad Pitt’s Little Dutch Boy haircut?
For us writers, self-isolation is a way of life. I’m also the wife of a firefighter and an empty-nester, which means I know how to have a wicked good time all by my lonesome.
But maybe the coronavirus is forcing you to stay home, and it feels unnatural and weird. Netflix only takes you so far, and you shouldn’t have chosen World War Z for your movie last night.
Here are a few tips for how to pass the time.
Play Twister alone. No chance of germ swapping, plus a workout.

Who’s to say self-isolation has to be dreary?
Become a mixologist! You’re home, you’re not going anywhere…now’s the time to put that ancient bottle of tequila to the test. It may well kill some germs (but not the coronavirus, just to be clear).
Bake! If the world is going to hell, don’t you want to be eating dessert when it happens?
That person on the couch over there? That may be your spouse! Don’t go crazy, though…keep a six-foot distance and reignite the romance the old-fashioned way: flirtatious eye contact, the flash of ankle, the dropping of a latex glove (which you should pick up yourself, obvs).
Scour. There’s nothing like the smell of Clorox Clean-Up in the morning.
Nap. It’s the game of kings, I hear. Or at least, it’s my game. Also, it sparks creativity and, if you’re very, very good, brings dreams of Robert Downey, Jr.

You’ve got this.
It’s time to learn all the moves to Thriller. You meant to do this thirty years ago and now you have time, minus the harsh judgment of others who may be jealous of your talent or victims of your flying elbows.
Try a new recipe with that stuff you just brought home from the supermarket. It’ll be fun! Beef, chocolate, bottled water, toilet paper, kidney beans…run with it.

Look at that sweet face!
Force your cat to snuggle. They love that.
These are serious times, gang. Stay home. Wash your hands. Be careful. Read books. Be well.