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Dream Come True

Kristan Higgins

Updated: May 6, 2022

little declan

Dearest Son turned 22, and we watched home movies this morning. I made brunch at his request, and the Princess, her fiancé, and my mom came over for eggs and bacon, pancakes, and donuts. His sister gave him a retro label maker, much to his delight. His future brother-in-law gave him a great t-shirt; McIrish and I had bought him two suits for his future; he'll wear one as man of honor this spring at his sister's wedding.

We always had the birthday celebrant give their sibling a gift to thank them for being a great brother or sister. This year, Declan gave Flannery a replica of a mug of his she covets—the one their great-grandfather used to drink from, so now they can both have “Poppy’s mug.” She was very touched.

His godparents came over for a quick visit on the porch (with masks, of course, and six feet apart), and while we couldn’t hug them, it was awfully nice to see them. After they left, we put a candle in Declan’s pancake and sang to him, then fell upon the food like starving animals.

seems like old times

Though we didn’t get a lot of snow in Saturday's storm, it stuck, and it was enough for sledding. Out we went into the bright, cold air, and took our turns on the sleds, solo or in pairs. Even my mom was game and went down behind Declan, shrieking “Declan, don’t hurt me!” as we all laughed. She later admitted she loved it. She always has.

Inside for more home movies, some of which made us laugh till we cried. Dearest Declan bravely tolerated many maternal shows of affection throughout the day. Then the Princess had to go to work. I baked chocolate chip cookies, and McIrish left for the firehouse. Dearest had a cheeseburger for dinner. We might watch a movie together, just mother and son.

Oh, it was a perfect day, dear readers! I think back twenty-two years to a very sick mother and a tiny preemie, a terrified husband and father, a brave little toddler. A day like today is nothing short of a dream come true.

mom and declan

What a lucky, lucky mom I am!


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