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Getting the call

Kristan Higgins

Updated: May 2, 2022


Thanks to you, my wonderful, faithful, excellent readers, WAITING ON YOU hit the New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller lists.

Sometimes people have asked me what that’s like, so I figured I’d share.

My editor called me Wednesday afternoon to tell me the great news. One of my very best friends in the world was visiting; we only get to see each other every year or so, and she’d brought her three kids, who’ve known mine since birth. So Catherine and I were drinking coffee, my editor called. “Hey, Kristan, it’s Susan! I have great news about WAITING ON YOU!”


Right at that moment, I happened to glance out the window. The five kids were carrying a deer skeleton into our yard. “Oh…uh, that’s great,” I told my editor. “Uh, is everyone there happy?” I was thinking What the sweet heck have they got now?

“Everyone’s thrilled,” she said. “Congratulations! It’s been so great working with you on this book.” (My editor is extraordinarily nice.)

“Yeah. Um…” Oh, Lord, they’re touching it. Is that a…spinal cord? Where’s the Purell? Snap out of it, Higgins, your editor is on the phone! “Well, tell everyone there thank you so much. I’m really happy.”

Then my son burst in, thrilled with the find and eager for this momentous occasion to be photographed (the deer carcass, not boring old mother being on the Times list).

So my friend congratulated me, and we took pictures of the kids and then sent them with their discovery to my mom’s house across the way.

McIrish had to work that night, so he gave me a smooch, told me I’d done a great job with the lists (though in reality, it was you, dear readers, who did and are doing a great job).


And so, the kids stuffed from snacking all afternoon with their friends, and my friend and her kids on the way back, I poured myself a glass of wine and ate leftover Brussels sprouts (my favorite!) and mashed potatoes. Thought of how proud my father would be, had he lived to see me become an author. Raised my glass to him. Then watched Lost on Netflix. Went to bed around 10:30. So it was kind of an ordinary night, all told.

But the surreal thrill that so many of you like my books…that’s quite extraordinary, and that’s something I’ll never take for granted, and I thank you with all my heart.


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