So let’s see…what’s been going on this week? Dearest Son almost hit another car when we were out for a drive, but luckily my maternal Spidey senses had me grab the wheel and avoid that disaster.
In an unrelated event, I threw out my back and can’t put my socks on by myself. Luckily, I am the proud owner of 13 ice packs in varying shapes and forms. The Princess is home from college, and that makes me so, SO happy, because I love having both kids under my roof. McIrish made a fantastic dinner last night, and we had cupcakes for dessert, and they were lovely.

Sadly, I have no waffles at the moment, which is a terrible shame. Kids! Make Mommy waffles, okay?
Right now, I’m lying on the bed with Willow and Huck; Luther Puppy is upstairs with the Princess—a new person to worship. Later on, Prinny and I are going to see a movie: her birthday present to me. I’m writing a lot and have shifted from that authorly point where I hate my book to where I love it (page 221 this time). The lilacs smell heavenly, and we’ve had a couple of cool, rainy days that make a person pull on a sweater.
I hope you’ve had a good week, too, gang. Thanks as always for tuning in. It’s an honor.
(The title of this post comes from Garrison Keillor’s lovely radio stories of the same name.)