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Tres glam

Kristan Higgins

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

C’est moi, of course. So very glamorous. Today, I’m flying across country to visit an old pal before the Romance Writers of America hosts its annual conference. And oh, the glamor of travel. Picture me, looking like…oh, Sophia Loren, shall we say? I have on a scarf, a hat, some big sunglasses and a killer dress. Heels? Of course! Please. I don’t mind hiking three miles through an airport, dragging my 62-pound suitcase with me in heels! I would never think to wear jeans and a possibly stained t-shirt while traveling, let alone those little fold-up shoes you can buy at CVS, no, of course not!

Also, imagine me in first class, sipping champagne whilst a Tom Hardy lookalike tries to flirt with me (I may allow it). When I land, my bags shall magically appear at my side…none of this wrestling something out of an overhead bin and having the suitcase hit you in the face. Nuh-uh. Not for me/Sophia. My driver shall greet me with a sign, and inside the car, there will be chocolates and more champagne. And no, I don’t get sick on champagne. Of course not!

Once I arrive at my friend’s house, we shall sip wine whilst sitting by her pool. (This part may come true.) And how we shall laugh! (This part will definitely come true.) Because there’s no friend like an old friend, and this friend has known me for 25 years! So we shall celebrate our silver anniversary, and she won’t mind a bit if I’m rumpled or creased and smell like the Ben Gay of the person squashed next to me on the airplane. She’s seen me much worse off than that. ; ) Nope, we don’t need no stinkin’ glamour! We go too far back for that.

I’ll be off next week, gang! Stay tuned for my pictures from Anaheim, Seattle and Montana!


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