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Kristan Higgins

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

My favorite holiday movie is the 1966 cartoon version of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” I love the music, the Grinch’s evil smile, the bizarre physics that allow Max to pull that sleigh, and how easily the decorations come down and go back up. The lyrics—You’re a crooked jerky jockey and you ride a crooked hoss. The names of the toys the Whos get on Christmas morning—Jing Tinglers and Floo Floopers and the one I really want: the Electro-Who-Cardio-Schnook.

But most of all, I love when the Grinch, seated at the place of honor, carves the roast beast, and little Cindy Lou-Who gives the first slice to Max, the Grinch’s sweet dog. (He earned it!) Boris Karloff’s voice is so gentle when he says, “Christmas time will always be, just as long as we have we.”

This year, those words have never been more true.

To those of you who have lost someone this year, I am so truly sorry, and I pray that you find the strength and comfort you need.  To those of you who haven’t, I know you feel, as I do, even more gratitude for the ones you love. And in the words of Tiny Tim, God bless us, every one.


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